Mann, Thomas, Schriftsteller und Nobelpreisträger (1875-1955).

Maschinengeschriebener Brief mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift Princeton, N. J.,, 15. V. 1939, Kl.-Fol. 1 Seite. Briefkopf.

Nicht vorrätig


Englisch an Carl L. Marek (1907-2000) in New York, 57 East 88th Street. Bedauert, eine Einladung verschieben zu müssen: „We are so sorry to learn that your letter of March 25th went astray. We were on our way to California at the time, and several letters which were forwarded to us missed us as we stopped at so many different cities en route. My wife and I would have liked to be able to accept your invitation to dinner now, but we expect to leave for Europe early in June and have so much to do before then that we are at a loss to know how to do our work or fulfil our obligations. If you will ask us again early in the Autumn when we get back, we will be very glad to accept. In any case we are most grateful to you for your thought of us. Had LIFE MAGAZINE sent me any copies of the picture taken by their staff photographer which you liked, it would have been a pleasure to me to have sent you one. Perhaps if you wrote to LIFE they might give you a photograph. Please give our kindest regards to Mrs. Marek and accept our assurances of how much we regret having to postpone what we know will be a very congenial and happy evening […]“ – Marek hatte nach einem Foto aus der Reportage über Thomas Mann im LIFE Magazine vom 17. April 1939 gefragt. Vom 6. Juni bis 9. September unternahmen Manns eine Europareise nach Nordwijk, Zürich, London und Stockholm. Eine erneute Einladung von Marek im November wurde jedoch abermals abgesagt. – Reg. 39/245.